Ragging is a Crime,
Condemned by the Nation.
Welcome to Raghunathjew Degree College,Deula Sahi,Cuttack,Odisha,Odisha ,"EDUCATION IS NOT THE LEARING OF FACTS,BUT THE TRAINING OF THE MIND TO THINK "- ALBERT EINSTEIN

Time Table:-

Time table shall be prepared by each college as per the following guidelines:
Sl No
Duration of one period of Theory (General class)
45 min.
Duration of one period of practical Class
3 x 45 min. (3 period).
No. of Students in a section
No. of students in a practical group in +3 class

v. One teacher shall be allotted maximum 30 periods per week.

vi. All teachers shall be assigned classes on every working day of a week. Similarly each student must have theory classes on every working day of a week.

vii. Names of teachers are reflected in the time table against respective classes allotted and the timetable must be uploaded in e-space for information of the Govt./DHE/RDEs. viii. The classes are held only in the respective rooms as mentioned in the time table.